They say writing is no stranger to therapy and local author Phumie Nyamende-Mbunje has found her inner peace by pouring her bitter childhood memories onto the page.
Whil studying for an office management qualification at the University of South Africa (UNISA), she started writing her first book, Imiqondiso, that was published by Clara Books in 2018.
“In that book I talk mostly about pains of growing up and succeeding against the odds. I have been through hellish experiences but my faith in God saw me through the worst,” said Phumie.
Buoyed by positive reviews of her book, Phumie, produced her second offering titled Silent Storm in which she addresses abuse and the oppression of women.
“Initially I wanted to stage women empowerment talks but lockdown regulations hampered me but gave me a chance to write the book which talks largely about hope and I hope it will still empower women who read it,” she said.
Recently she teamed up with Lesedi Publishing House and produced a children’s book in a short story form which is titled Bunny Rabbit and Mr Crocodile.
“Because of technology, our children do not read as they should. They will find this book interesting . Also I must encourage parents to read for their children,” she added.
Lesedi House Publishing chief executive officer, Tsepo Nketle, said it was refreshing to see that women like Phumie were “narrating their own stories”.
“Phumie’s stories are told from the heart and she really captures the mood of her growing up in tough times but never losing the zest to live and thrive.”