The Eyethu Neighbourhood Watch said it is prepared to help Lingelethu Police to fight crime.
The ecstatic members of the watch were among the 20 watches that received accreditation certificates and “starter kits” from Community safety MEC Dan Plato, on Wednesday July 6 at Kraaifontein Community Hall.
Eyethu chairman Mike Sebezo told Vukani they were fully aware of their duties and the challenges ahead. “We are not under any illusions about what faces us now. The good thing is that we will be able to account for whatever happens in our area. We are also aware that our police are under resourced so we need to help them,” he said.
With winter upon us, he said, one of their challenges was to kit their members out with warm clothes and boots. But if they didn’t have these, he added, they would not be deterred.
“Our aim is to keep our area free of crime. We are aware it is not an overnight thing but it is something achievable. We are a number of dedicated individuals who are willing to do the job,” he said. Lingelethu police spokesperson Sergeant Xoliswa Nyalambisa said the neighbourhood watch had an important role to play.
With them now being accredited, she said, they could also be held accountable.
“They’ve been through screening and training processes. That means they are now fully aware of the law. They are now more knowledgeable than before. We have been with them and appreciate their efforts to fight crime. We now appreciate them more,” she said.
Sergeant Nyalambisa said what made her more happy was that they had partners that would help them fight crime.
She also called on members of the community to help the police and the watch.