People digging deep holes on Borcherds Quarry bridge near Nyanga, to collect sand for construction are putting the safety of those who use the road at risk and residents fear the bridge could collapse.
Road user Deon Basson has called Vukani about this a number of times.
His fear is that the removal of sand could compromise the bridge’s structure.
“The continual digging will one day cause immeasurable damage. The issue is serious.
“The bridge is compromised and it will one day fall.
“You can imagine the results of that fall. Somebody needs to come to their senses and intervene,” he warned.
Meanwhile, Nyanga resident Ziphozethu Nofemele said he was shocked to see police standing by, doing nothing about those digging up sand at the bridge.
“Most people who are doing that are in low-lying areas,” he said.
“They use the sand to stop water from coming into their shacks. But they do not realise how dangerous it is. We all drive there. Imagine a day when we cannot pass there to town because we have no bridge. This is insane,” he said.
When Vukani went out to inspect the bridge, big holes were visible on either side of the bridge, which looks to be in poor condition.
Vukani sent a list of questions to the City of Cape Town as well as the provincial Department of Transport, neither of which had responded by the time this edition went to print.