The new minimum wage increase for domestic workers takes effect from December 1, this year, until November 30 2017.
This means that any domestic employee who works more than 27 hours should be paid not less than R12.42 an hour; R559.09 a week and R2 422.54 a month in major metropolitan areas.
It applies to all domestic workers working in the municipalities of Cape Town. In the other areas the hourly rate is R11.31; R508.93 a week and the monthly rate is R2 205.17. The minimum wages for domestic workers who work 27 ordinary hours a week or less in the Cape Town municipalities, should not be less than R14.54 an hour, R392.58 a week and R1 701.06 a month.
In the other areas, the hourly rate is R13.53; R360.54 a week and the monthly rate is R1 562.21.
“Since the promulgation of the (sectoral determination) Act 14 years ago, the annual minimum wage increase continues to be marginal, which means that these workers will continue to eke out a living in these dire economic times,” said Bernard Reisner of Cape Labour and Industrial Consultants in Gardens, Cape Town.
Contact Mr Reisner at 021 423 3959 or send an email to to get a free copy of the new increases.