The Amy Foundation non-profit held their pop-up market at their head office in Sybrand Park on Mandela Day on Thursday July 18. The organisation’s Youth Field Development Programme manager, Hilary George says the pop-up market gave opportunities to the entrepreneurs who came through their programme to showcase their products and services. Over 100 people visited the market where they saw confectionery, textile, clothing and beauty and wellness entrepreneurs on display. Pictured from left at the baked goods and confectionery stall are Quddoosiyyah Isaacs from Bonteheuwel, Lesley van Rooyen from Bonteheuwel, Nomhle Mpohlekana from Hout Bay, Ayden Gebremariam from Bonteheuwel, Val Pillay from Bonteheuwel, Jet Bultsma from Observatory and Likho Nozigqwaba from Phillipi.
Dikonelo Makhetha from Mfuleni displaying her sewing merchandise.Oluhle Nkebe and Phakana Ndela from Khayelitsha show off their designs.Show off their beauty and wellness stall from left are Gladys Nxele from Khayelitsha, Amahle Siheli from Kraaifontein, Thami Mlomo from Phillipi and Nandipha Magenu from Samora Machel.Working at the Amy Shop from left are Bukho Ngcabo from Khayelitsha, Asemahle Balana from Khayelitsha, Yonela Dindala from Brooklyn, Megan Lambert from Mitchells Plain and Dalsie Mbuli from Wynberg.