Unsigned budding musicians or bands can enter the City of Cape Town’s Festive Lights Switch-On Music Challenge. The winner will take home R10 000 and join the line-up at the annual switching on of the festive lights concert on the Grand Parade on Sunday December 1. To enter, upload a performance video to www.FLSOMusicChallenge2019.co.za then share the news on social platforms. The winner this year will be the one with a combination of the most public votes and social media shares. The competition closes at midnight on Sunday November 24. Entrants should bear in mind that the City of Cape Town’s Festive Lights Switch-On, which is in its 50th year, is a family-oriented event for all ages. All genres are welcome, but videos containing lyrics and images of an offensive or profane nature will not be accepted for submission. Only Cape Town-based artists should apply and winners of previous FLSO Music Challenges may not submit entries for five years after the last time they won.