A non-profit organisation in Plumstead has released a digital recipe book, Lockdown Lipsmackers, to raise money for children with disabilities.
The Chaeli Campaign was founded in 2004 by Chaeli Mycroft, with the support of her sister and friends, to raise money initially for Chaeli’s motorised wheelchair, but now it provides a wide range of support for children with disabilities.
The digital recipe book costs R150 and has 32 recipes, all tried by Chaeli Campaign staff.
The book will be updated with new recipes throughout lockdown, and those who bought it
will get a link to an updated free copy.
“When we first went into lockdown, we started sharing recipes between each other, as the staff, of what we were doing, what we were preparing for our families at home,” said fund-raising
and events manager Shelly Stedman.
“Then the idea came up, that let’s create a digital recipe book and use it as a fund-raiser.”
With fund-raisers for the year – including a brunch, a Mandela Day event and a fun walk – in jeopardy because of Covid-19 restrictions, the organisation started planning online events, the first being a virtual quiz night over Zoom.
“We have a quiz master, and then the teams that enter pay a fee,” Ms Stedman said.
“The winners get a small prize. We normally host the quiz nights regularly but now we’re doing it virtually.”
Lockdown Lipsmackers has recipes for banana bread, milk tart, pancakes, vegetarian meals, biscuits and vetkoek.
“We have a lot of treat type recipes that aren’t too complicated. We wanted to use ingredients people already have or can easily access.”
Money from the book will support an inclusive education programme the organisation runs online during lockdown as well as an outreach in LavenderHillandMasiphumelele.
The organisation’s occupational therapists and community workers, who work with teachers and parents at various preschools throughout the year, have turned to WhatsApp to keep offering support to parents so they can work with their children during lockdown.
“With the help of our wonderful supporters we also managed to raise much needed funds last month to purchase food for vulnerable children and adults who are part of our outreach programmes in Masiphumelele and Lavender Hill. The sales of the Lockdown Lipsmackers will enable us to continue assisting those communities,” Ms Stedman said.
To buy the book, email Ms Stedman at shelly@chaelicampaign.co.za or events@chaelicampaign.co.za