Two young hip hop artists, Buntu Mawisa, known as BlaQ-Slim, and Luthando Ntshinga, known as a ChingaTime, have combined their skills and knowledge and created the Viibes hip hop group. The duo described their music as urban genre and boldly stated that they were bringing something fresh and unique to the industry.
The two are also individual artists but had opted to put together their energy and skills.
They both entered the Kasi Experience in 2015 which seeks to discover talented youth.
They both individually won the competition.
This paved the way for them to work together.
BlaQ-Slim said Viibes was an amalgamation of two artists with different backgrounds.
He said they had been making music before they opted to finally work on a project together which was meant to have five songs.
Instead, he said because their energy was in sync, they ended up doing 15 songs in two days.
He said they write music mostly from personal life experiences combined with social issues.
BlaQ-Slim said they composed songs that spoke to different emotions. And he said they wanted they wanted to leave a lasting legacy and make an indelible mark on the industry.
He said it was tough to crack it in the industry and he believed that artists needed to educate themselves and continuously sharpen their skills.
BlaQ-Slim described himself as a kid “who lives in the grey scales of society” as he does not entirely fit on the black and white. He said he took a more lyrical side, attacking the beat a whole lot more, then ending it off more melodic to tie it back into the chorus as smoothly as possible.
The 26-year-old is currently studying sound engineering at the Academy of Sound Engineering and he wants to incorporate that into his music. “We want to create quality music. Our music is available on every social media platform. We created a song called Tower last year. We have done a music tour in Johannesburg.
“We have big plans and people are yet to see our best. We want to take this music to another level. Music is our life,” he said.
ChingaTime described himself as a rough diamond and said the more pressure put on him, the more he shone.
He said in many cases he first conceptualised beats and melody before he laced them with lyrics.
The 23-year-old, who is a qualified sound engineer, said he was busy documenting the things they had done so far. He said all they wanted was to raise the bar and be known for their very unique music style.
He said they decided to study sound engineering to enable them to understand music and sound more in-depth while at the same time having the right melodies to make the music more mainstream-friendly.