Who are these guys called Biza Wethu crew? While some may know, there may also be others who are still in the dark.
But their guys’ songs have been played in various clubs, taverns and pubs in the township and have certainly made people dance – and these songs have also been featured on radio stations recently.
Among their tracks are Makhaphela, Ndize and Freedom. Vukani chatted with some of the crew members last Friday in Philippi to get to know them – and their music – a bit better.
The production company had been formed by a group of 13 artists such as DJs, producers and vocalists. Sikelela “Six Dreamchaser” Ramba, said while many people knew their songs and loved to dance to them, few knew who the guys behind the music were.
Before the crew members decided to work together, he said, they had all released their individual music projects.
Working in a group, he said, enabled them to identify each member’s strengths and weaknesses and use that knowledge to their advantage
“We want to conquer this industry. We have sort of established ourselves in the province and we slowly want to make ourselves a respected brand. We want to make unique music and sounds that will inspire the youth to reach for their dreams.”And, he said: “We want to change how Gqom music is perceived and appreciated.”
Another member, Ababalwa “King Shesha More” Jengele said they wanted to produce quality music that spoke to their audience and target market and that he planned to release a full album soon. Asked about some of the challenges the crew faced, he listed learning to get to know each other as well as getting gigs.
Another member, Maphelo “Nana” Bungu, added that they wanted to sharpen each other’s careers and work together to become respected musicians. For bookings: ubizawethuproductions@gmail.com or call 073 750 0568